Mrs. Ramirez-Hollingshead’s Counselor Page (Guu-Monr)

Welcome Chieftains!  I am excited about the upcoming school year and look forward to being a part of your high school journey.   As your counselor I am here to guide, encourage and support you.  Please see below for important information:
I'd like to encourage you to maximize your high school experience, get involved and access all the wonderful resources we have available. 
If you need to speak to me, there are a number of ways to do so:
  • E-mail
      (If you choose to contact me by email at [email protected] remember to use your WUHSD student email so your email does not get dropped into spam).
  • Walk-in (before school/nutrition/lunch/after school) as available 
  • Scheduling an appointment
      You are welcome to book an Appointment during lunch, after school or during an off period. Students are encouraged to maximize instructional seat time, so please be sure to book an appointment outside of scheduled class time.


Term 1: June 10- June 27*

Term 2: July 1 - July 18*

Class Time: 8:30am - 2:00pm

(see below link for specific date/time info)

Summer School


If you have questions related to Summer School or you were not placed into a summer class & would like to add a class, please contact the Curriculum Office directly at 562-698-8121  Ext. 4020.  



The student/parent course request adjustments have been reviewed for graduation requirements and completed.  There will be NO schedule changes other than a level misplacement, duplication of a course or the absence of a core class (English, Math, Science, etc.). Students wishing to add a sport after the initial rostering period are asked to visit the SFHS Athletics page to learn about the athletic clearance process and appropriate drop/add procedure. We thank you for your flexibility and understanding.


General guidance information can be found by clicking on the following link to the Santa Fe High School’s Guidance webpage:
General college, career, and scholarship information can be found by clicking on the following link:
Information regarding Rio Hondo Dual Enrollment can be found by clicking on the following link:
General Community and Mental Health Resources can be found by clicking on the following link: