Santa Fe High School values student success.
To be successful in school each Santa Fe student must attend school regularly arriving on time and be ready to work.
To be successful in school each Santa Fe student must attend school regularly arriving on time and be ready to work.
Attendance Office Staff

(562) 698-8121 Ext. 4040, 4041 & 4042
Our Attendance email is the preferred contact method. Please include the following in emails:
Student full name and I.D. number and a brief description of the reason for absence.
Ms. Catalina Ayala - Student Engagement Specialist
[email protected]
Ms. Yavel Sarabia - Senior Attendance Clerk
Ms. Yavel Sarabia - Senior Attendance Clerk
Full Day Absence
Attendance Procedures:
The attendance procedures are intended to emphasize the importance of good attendance and responsibility. California law requires everyone between the ages of 6 and 18 to attend school unless they have graduated from high school or passed the California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) - Education Code 48200. Parents and students are responsible by law for consistent attendance. Parents should notify the Attendance Office prior to all absences, if at all possible email [email protected] or call (562) 698-8121 ext. 4040/4041. Studies have shown that students who attend school regularly are successful. Our goal is to do everything possible to assist our students to do well.
Good attendance is crucial to academic success.
Each student is assigned an I.D. number. Each student and parent should learn this number in order to expedite all inquiries and resolutions of attendance. Knowing the I.D. number makes helping you that much easier.
Make-up work and test may be withheld from a student until absences have been excused through the Attendance Office. Absences should be excused within three days of the absence.
The attendance procedures are intended to emphasize the importance of good attendance and responsibility. California law requires everyone between the ages of 6 and 18 to attend school unless they have graduated from high school or passed the California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) - Education Code 48200. Parents and students are responsible by law for consistent attendance. Parents should notify the Attendance Office prior to all absences, if at all possible email [email protected] or call (562) 698-8121 ext. 4040/4041. Studies have shown that students who attend school regularly are successful. Our goal is to do everything possible to assist our students to do well.
Good attendance is crucial to academic success.
Each student is assigned an I.D. number. Each student and parent should learn this number in order to expedite all inquiries and resolutions of attendance. Knowing the I.D. number makes helping you that much easier.
Make-up work and test may be withheld from a student until absences have been excused through the Attendance Office. Absences should be excused within three days of the absence.
- When returning from an absence, a student can bring a note signed by a parent/guardian, parent/guardian can place a call into the office, or email [email protected].
- If a student has been out a total of 3 or more days, we ask that an official document (i.e. doctors note) be brought into the office to excuse the absence.
- More than five (5) days of absences in a semester is considered excessive.
- Students are allowed 10 absences per year, a doctors note will be required for each absence following the 10th absence.
- All students are encouraged to make up absences through Saturday School.
Extended Leave Form:
- Extended leave forms are available in the Attendance Office and must be filled out prior to leaving.
- Extended leave (for family emergencies, vacation, or any other personal reason for absence) absence should be made up by attending Saturday School.
Saturday School:
A Saturday School Program for absences, truancies, and tardies has been implemented. In accordance with the school attendance policy, students will receive a truancy after returning from absences that have not been excused by a parent/guardian. Students receiving a period truancy or all day truancies may be assigned Saturday School, which is held from 8:00am- 12:00pm (a schedule can be found in the Attendance Office). Failure to attend an assigned Saturday School will result in reassignment of the first available date. Failure to attend a second time assignment may result in detention, In-House, or Suspension for defiance. Students must wear their I.D. badges and bring academic assignments to work on independently and quietly. Failure to abide by the rules during Saturday School will result in student being asked to leave with no credit for time served and an additional Saturday School date will be assigned. If further discipline is required, the Dean of Students will follow the school wide discipline policy once school is in regular session.
Off Campus Permits:
Off-campus permits are issued for medical appointments and personal matters that cannot be handled outside of regular school hours. Any time a student needs to leave campus during a school day an off-campus permit is required. Students seeking an off-campus pass are to follow the procedures: Student brings a note requesting an off-campus pass indicating time and reason for the request. Note must be signed by parent/guardian. A parent/guardian may also call the Attendance Office directly and make the request. Student presents a request at the Attendance Office before class, nutrition or during lunch to obtain an off -campus permit. If a parent/guardian is arriving to pick up a student who has not presented a note prior to the Attendance Office, the parent or guardian should keep in mind that it may take up to 30 minutes for the student to arrive to the office after having been summonsed.
Off-campus permits are issued for medical appointments and personal matters that cannot be handled outside of regular school hours. Any time a student needs to leave campus during a school day an off-campus permit is required. Students seeking an off-campus pass are to follow the procedures: Student brings a note requesting an off-campus pass indicating time and reason for the request. Note must be signed by parent/guardian. A parent/guardian may also call the Attendance Office directly and make the request. Student presents a request at the Attendance Office before class, nutrition or during lunch to obtain an off -campus permit. If a parent/guardian is arriving to pick up a student who has not presented a note prior to the Attendance Office, the parent or guardian should keep in mind that it may take up to 30 minutes for the student to arrive to the office after having been summonsed.
School Activity Participation:
In order to improve school attendance for all students and stress the importance of good attendance the following guidelines will be followed:
In order to improve school attendance for all students and stress the importance of good attendance the following guidelines will be followed:
- Students requesting to participate in school activities must obtain an attendance clearance. The students' attendance will be reviewed for absences: all day truancies and period absences as well as Saturday School assignments must be served before the student can purchase a dance ticket.
- The Attendance Office personnel will review and sign off if the student has good attendance. A student is allowed only five (5) excused absences per semester. All unverified absences must be cleared and or Saturday School attendance must be verified before clearance will be given to a student.
- Students have the opportunity to make up their absences by attending Saturday School. Saturday School will be assigned to students who exceed the allowed criteria.
- Attendance to one Saturday School clears one all day truancy/absence.
- Attendance to one Saturday School clears 3 period truancies/absences.
- Activities are school sponsored, and as such, the school has the right to deny participation for any reason deemed appropriate.
- Catastrophic circumstances or extreme medical cases will be looked into on a case by case basis.
Attendance Awards:
Students are considered to have PERFECT ATTENDANCE if they have attended EVERY PERIOD of EVERY regular scheduled school day.
Students are considered to have PERFECT ATTENDANCE if they have attended EVERY PERIOD of EVERY regular scheduled school day.
Delivering item(s) to students:
Flowers, balloons and/or gifts will NOT be accepted or delivered to students.
Items left for student pick up is NOT the responsibility of school personnel.
Money or electronics will not be accepted, instead the parent/guardian must wait for the student to be summonsed out of class so that they might deliver it themselves.
Flowers, balloons and/or gifts will NOT be accepted or delivered to students.
Items left for student pick up is NOT the responsibility of school personnel.
Money or electronics will not be accepted, instead the parent/guardian must wait for the student to be summonsed out of class so that they might deliver it themselves.
Absence Codes:
A - Absent X - Unexcused I - Ill-Parent Verified J - Ill-Dr. Verified O - Other-Excused Y - Truancy F - Funeral G - Government |
T - Tardy < 30
U - Tardy > 30 V - Tardy, Excused <30 W - Tardy, Excused >30 |
6 - School Activity
7 - Testing S - Suspended 8 - Viewpoint 5 - Office 3 - Saturday School - Involuntary 2 - Saturday School - Voluntary |