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Work Permits




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 Work Permit Summer Webpage

If you received a work permit during the school year, it will be valid during the summer.  Your employer can refer to the "School Not in Session" portion of the permit for the number of hours that you are allowed to work.  


If you are requesting a NEW work permit during the summer, you do not need your work permit signed by the school since all (Summer) Work Permit requests are processed at the District Office.  


Please follow the instructions below to obtain a Work Permit:


Please follow the directions below to obtain a Work Permit: 

  1. You must have been hired for a job
  2. Download a Work Permit Application (see below)
  3. Complete the "Minor's Information" and "School Information" sections of the application
  4. Have your parent/guardian fill out the "Parent" section
  5. Take the application to the employer that hired you and have them fill out the "Employer" section. (Since the Work Permit is made out to your employer, we will NOT process applications without the EMPLOYER section filled out)
  6. Carefully review your application to assure that everything is clear and legible.
  7. Scan your application or take a picture of it. If you take a picture, please crop it so that only the application is visible
  8. Compose an e-mail with your Name and Student ID# in the Subject box and attach a PDF/picture of your completed work permit application; send it to the Work Permit office at [email protected]

Once received, your application will be processed within 4-5 business days and the Work Permit will be mailed to your home. If the status of the work permit is urgent, please let us know in your email.  We will send you a temporary encrypted digital version of your work permit.  If you have any questions, please call (562) 698-8121, ext. 1060