Work Experience Education

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Work Experience Education?


Work Experience is an elective class, which combines, paid employment experience with classroom instruction. Students develop work habits, attitudes, self-confidence, job-related skills, and a personal portfolio, which can be used to locate, secure, and retain employment. Students must obtain on their own, a job, meeting the course requirements. The course curriculum teaches students how to get a job, keep a job, leave a job, as well as economic and career awareness.


Can I work more hours if I take Work Experience?


Yes! You can work up to 8 hours on a school day. Also, you may be able to work until 12:30 a.m. on any night of the week.


What are the requirements for enrolling in Work Experience?


  • You must be employed and be at least 16 years old
  • You must be an 11th or 12th grader
  • You must attend a class once a week (Wednesdays after school)


How do I enroll in Work Experience?


You have to attend a school that is conducting a Work Experience class for 2021-2022. Please visit Mrs. Gonzalez to complete the application process or for further questions.