Media Technology Center
Expanded Horizons Media Technology Center
Center Technician: John Sanchez ext. 4383
Center Hours: Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
****Nutrition, Lunch and Embedded Support is open for students every school day.****
Scheduling: To reserve the Media Technology Center, staff members will have to email, call or reserve in person.
For all-period days, teachers will be able to reserve the full period.
For block-period days, teachers will be able to reserve the lab either the first or second half of the period.
**** Spots will be reserved on a first come, first serve basis.****
Media Technology Center Specifications
- 7 Wall Mounted HD Monitors Chromebook may be mirrored with physical HDMI connection
- 40 Wireless Printing Capable Chromebooks
- WiFi Internet Access
- Black/White and Color Laser Jet Printing
- There is NO FOOD or DRINKS allowed in the Media Technology Center, not even during lunch. (WATER IS ALLOWED)
- Phones must be set to silent mode when entering
- Teachers must stay with their students during the scheduled time.
- Individual students are allowed to be in the Media Technology Center during class time if they have a blue pass that is signed and dated by their teacher for that specific period OR if Mr. Sanchez verifies that the student has a free period
- If space is unavailable, students will be sent back to class.
- Students must check in with Mr. Sanchez and Scan their School ID into the Log in Sheet upon entering the Media Center Center