Senior Class
Happy September Seniors!
I hope you had an amazing August! In August we had an exciting Week of Welcome! Thank you to everyone who participated in the activities! We also had our last Rage in The Cage! It was definitely a night to remember! If you missed it and are feeling the fomo, don’t worry and look out for more details on our future events and dances! We also had our first senior class meeting. We discussed Night Pep Rally themes and construction details. Our class decided on…Scary Seniors!! This theme involves all things spooky, and I can’t wait to see what our class can do!!!
Now that we’re all caught up, here are some upcoming events for the month of September:
9/11- College Fair📚
9/12- Back to School Night🧑🏫
9/20- Blood drive🩸
9/27- Picture Makeup Date📸
Along with these dates, every weekend during the month of September, I will be hosting construction from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Construction is where all the props are made for Night Pep Rally. All help is needed, and I would love to see you there! For more details, contact me or any senior ASB member.
You’re in luck! Our very own Santa Fe High School is hosting the district’s college fair on September 11th. You’ll have the opportunity to speak to representatives from colleges that may provide you with more guidance on your applications! Take advantage of this great opportunity and I hope to see you there!
The month of September has many activities and events! Make sure to stay involved and value every single one! For details and reminders of these events, follow the SFHS asb account: sfhs.asb. You don’t want to miss anything and continue making good choices!
Your senior class prez,
Samantha Sanchez💕
Class Insta: @sfhs.co25